Market Entry Solution

B2B  &  B2C  market research
to develop strategies for
entering to markets

Import and Export
Product Sourcing
Raw Materials and Industrial Equipments

Research Potential Customers
Contact Identified Targets
Negotiate on Your Behalf


Establishing Business
Brand and Company Registration
Special permits and Licenses


Shipping & Freight Forwarding
Documentations & Customs Clearance
Warehousing & Distribution

Handling Space and Design
Managing the Trade-shows
Pre-event & post-event Marketing

Who We Are?
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Trading and Consulting Group


With more than 10 years of continuous and multilateral business presence in our target markets, Exportwin Trading and Consulting Group is a general trading company and an end-to-end full-service consultancy which has made it its mission to bridge the gap between foreign businesses and markets in Turkey, Iraq, and Afghanistan. With deep knowledge and experiences as well as executive and communication capabilities, Exportwin enables foreign companies and investors to succeed in these markets. At Exportwin, we specialize in end-to-end market entry approaches, supporting your brand and business from market research and strategy formulation until successful implementation and continuous controlling and conflict management. With this approach, we aim to enable foreign enterprises a smooth and successful entry to Turkey, Iraq or Afghanistan.

Who Can We Assist You?

Market Research

With offices in the Turkey, Exportwin Group as a B2B and B2C market research company provides customized research and intelligence studies in Turkey. Our full-service research offering includes market assessment and market entry, segmentation, product development, branding, customer/buyer journey research, employee experience, pricing strategy and advertising studies for entering to Turkey market.

Classification & Duty Calculation

Exportwin Group will classify any products you are importing to turkey and will provide your company with the total amount of these two countries Customs duties that are found due. It is useful to know in advance how much you will pay in duties so that you can plan for the added expense and factors it in as part of your costs.

Export Documentation

Perhaps the most complex and time-consuming part of the export process is getting the proper documentation in order to move your goods from your country to Turkey. Just a few of the documents you might need include an export license, letter of credit, insurance certificate, bill of lading, packing list, pro forma invoice and certificate of origin. Exportwin Group can help you to complete the documentation process without delays and ensure that everything is done properly means no bureaucracy-induced headaches.

Shipping & Freight Forwarding

Exportwin Group can manage the movement of your freight for exporting to Turkey. We can advise on carrier selection, the best shipping routes, ports of entry, and all aspects of global shipping and freight forwarding. By providing every service required to move freight in exporting to Turkey, Exportwin Group can offer complete solutions from a single provider, saving your company valuable time and money.

Turkey  Customs Clearance

Exportwin Trade Consulting will deal with Turkey Customs and all other government agencies on behalf of your company to obtain the fastest possible clearance to the Turkey . We will ensure all government agency requirements are met, such as FDA requirements on food safety, preventing delays at the port when your goods arrive.

Warehousing & Distribution

Once your goods arrive in the Turkey, do you know where you are going to store them? Exportwin Group can arrange for the warehousing of your goods at the port of entry, at your destination, or at a strategically located facility to assist with distribution. We can also handle all consolidation and break-bulk operations, pick-and-pack, and the final delivery and distribution of your products.

Market Research
Classification & Duty Calculation
Export Documentation
Shipping & Freight Forwarding
Turkey Customs Clearance
Warehousing & Distribution

High Potential Export Target Market

Turkey with a population of nearly 80 million people, are the country of opportunity, and industrial countries from east and west are seriously competing to seize Turkey markets. In 2017, Turkey imported 234.2 billion US dollar, making it the 18th largest importer in the world.
Importing product variations (IPV) of Turkey are high and various products imported to Turkey.

Iraq is the 47th largest export economy in the world. In 2018 Iraq imported $33B, making it the 58th largest importer in the world. During the last five years the imports of Iraq have increased at an annualized rate of 0.6%, from $31.2B in 2013 to $33B in 2018.

Afghanistan is the 142nd largest export economy in the world. In 2018 Afghanistan imported $9B, making it the 97th largest importer in the world. During the last five years the imports of Afghanistan have decreased at an annualized rate of -7.4%, from $12.5B in 2013 to $9B in 2018.

Years of

Success Stories

Business Setup Projects in Turkey

Beyond legislative, regulatory and operating-level expertise, we have deep experience with more than 100 companies who had faced many issues and challenges in market entry to Turkey.

Customer Satisfaction
Best Practice Strategic Planing
Entering To Market

click here to show the sample

Exportwin Commercial Reference Journal will be designed, printed and distributed in Turkey

Taking 6,000 prints of the Exportwin Commercial Reference Journal at each issue

Publishing the Exportwin Commercial Reference Journal in Turkish

The possibility of introducing maximum 150 foreigner exporters in each edition

Exportwin Commercial Reference Journal will be Published twice a year and every six months

The Exportwin Journal services are include trade consulting and executive support, design, print and distribution in target countries.

The cost of enrolling a foreigner company for participation in the Exportwin Commercial Reference Journal project is USD 1.000

The fee can be paid either electronically or through bank transfer to the bank account provided by the Exportwin


Business Reference Journal

Through its knowledge and experience in Turkey, the Exportwin Group is trying to offer professional and practical solutions to trade and export demands shortly and efficiently, providing the ground for the presence and success of many foreigner companies. One of the leading initiatives in this area is the Exportwin Commercial Reference Journal.


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İthalat önlemlerinde ilk hedef Çin

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Küresel piyasalar pozitif seyrini sürdürüyor

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Sağlık sigortası koronavirüsü karşılıyor

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Dezenfeksiyon Talebini Patlattı in Turkey

Korona virüs salgının Türkiye’de görülmesi, dezenfeksiyon talebini patlattı. Online sitelerden söz konusu hizmeti almak isteyenlerin sayısında son günlerde ciddi artış yaşandı. Yapılan açıklamalar, Şubat ayının ilk 11 gününe göre, Mart ayının ilk 11 gününde gelen dezenfeksiyon taleplerindeki artışın yüzde 866’yı bulduğunu gösteriyor. Yiğitcan Yıldız’ın haberi……


Zienix SDN. BHD.

Tell: (+60) 12 760 7424


Japan Safety Co.

Tell: (+81) 03 5332 8372
Fax: (+81) 042 01 5700


Exportwin Group

Tell : (+90) 216 356 1479
WhatsApp : (+90) 5513966988


Al Rafedain Group

Tell: (+96) 47719073881
Fax: (+96) 47713221320


Borna Group (EMC)

Tell: (+98) 51 38330 680
Fax: (+98) 51 38330 683

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